For a while now all over the world a number of “unconferences” have been held. They they are known as Podcamps and for quite a while I have wanted to attend one. But due to travel costs and the fact that they are usually just for a day or two I have never been able to go. Until now! Glen Verran from has taken the lead in organising South Africa’s first Podcamp.

A PodCamp is a free BarCamp-style community UnConference for podcasters and listeners, bloggers and readers, videographers and anyone interested in New Media. It was held for the first time in September in Boston, Massachusetts and is now spreading across the world.

This is the prefect place to share ideas and gain new insights into the whole Web 2.0 and Learning 2.0 phenomenons. A number of speakers will be presenting talks on these topics and I think the most important aspect of this unconference is the networking and individual conversations that will take place.

The Podcamp is free to attend and there are just a few things you need to do. First, add your name to the Wiki at As soon as your name is on the list you are registered. Now, plan your trip, tell all your friends to join you and lastly wait for the 20th of October to attend the event.

If you are a blogger, podcaster, educator or just interested in everything happening online make sure that you do not miss this event. If this one goes well I am sure we will be able to host one in the Free State soon.