27Dinner Bloemfontein – 27 October 2009
On Monday I received an email from Ramon Thomas, who teaches Blogging workshops across Southern Africa (www.ramonthomas.com ). In this email he invited speakers to the 27Dinner which will be…
On Monday I received an email from Ramon Thomas, who teaches Blogging workshops across Southern Africa (www.ramonthomas.com ). In this email he invited speakers to the 27Dinner which will be…
This week saw the 100th episode of one of my favourite podcasts. The podcast I am referring to is EdTechTalk and is a wonderful source of information for every educator…
Dit voel deesdae vir my asof ek net altyd oor Apple of Google skryf, maar dit is hierdie twee maatskappye wat deurlopend nuwe produkte bekendstel en wat gereeld in die…
This week saw the launch of the new version of Adobe’s Photoshop in South Africa. This powerful photo editing package / graphic design programme again amazed with its new features.…
http://za.offerforge.com/z/14923/ZA1256 Dinsdagaand het apple ‘n verbeterde iPods aan die wereld bekend gestel. Apple het die afgelope paar jaar opspraak gemaak met uitsonderlike nuwe produkte en dit wil my voorkom asof…
One of my favourite photo editing programmes is Adobe’s Lightroom. This small but incredibly powerful programme is a must for any digital photographer. Whether you are a professional photographer or…
The Internet also has its waves. There was a wave of Blogs, then a wave of Wikis we are currently in a wave of social networks and now it seems…
I am sitting in a coffeeshop and I realise just how times have changed. I have just ordered my coffee and now I am sitting here typing my column on…
In the past few months I have found that there are quite a large number of websites catering to every need of the bride to be. I have however found…
Ek bieg, ek het ‘n sepie-kyker geword. Ek was nooit een wat elke aand voor die kassie gesit en na ‘n sepie kyk nie, maar deesdae kyk ek wat alls…