One of my favourite photo editing programmes is Adobe’s Lightroom. This small but incredibly powerful programme is a must for any digital photographer. Whether you are a professional photographer or just someone who loves to take photos of family and friends this is one program that I can highly recommend. It does not merely assist one in managing your photocollection by using keywords and ratings, as well as outputting your photos to the web, print and presentations. The first time I used it was at a PhotoSafari that I attended a few months ago and since then I have been using it with most of the photos I have taken.
On Tuesday I attended a free information session by Igno van Niekerk , who runs the Adobe user group in Bloemfontein, on some of the new features of the latest version of Lightroom and I must say that I was hugely impressed.
After you import your photos you can make changes to the lighting in the photos, change the exposure and change colors with just a few easy clicks. There is even a gradient tool available which can assist photographers tremendously with photos taken in “tricky” light. Adobe really did not seem to hold back on this upgrade.
Scott Kelby , the world’s best selling computer and photography author for five years in a row has written his second book about the use of Lightroom, The Lightroom 2.0 book, and next week will see its international release. As part of this Igno van Niekerk also arranged a photo walk last Saturday and you can view the photos of the group of photographers who attended . You can just visit and just follow the link to the Flickr group where the photos were uploaded. Bloem was well represented with 29 photographers taking the walk and having an overall fun experience.
The next photowalk that will be done by the user group will be during Paul Roux’s Sandsteen Festival on the weekend of 12/ 13 September. The Sandsteen Festival is indeed something to diarize as it takes us to the Eastern Free State when the willow trees are turning into their spring-splendour green and all kinds of activities are being arranged. For those who want to know more, have a look at . From a barndance to dinosaurs – that seems to be part of the menu of a great festival. Hope to see you there – and feel free to join us on the photowalk – hopefully there won’t be any dinosaurs!
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