AS I said last week I was lucky enough to get the new iPhone 4 just as it was released, and I must say I am very happy that I did.
For some strange reason there seems to be very strong feelings about this new phone.
On the one side you have people who hate it and on the other side you have people who love it and will never use another phone in their lives.
Funny thing is that the people who hate it are mostly people who have not tried it or owned it.
Let me briefly share my experience with you. I find the phone intuitive and very easy to get to know. I have had other phones that took me weeks to figure out and with the iPhone I find it to be quite easy to figure out and things are almost always where you would expect them to be.
What makes this phone great is the fact that you can download thousands of applications to your phone. Some of these applications will not only be functional, but at times quite amazing. Some of the applications will have your friends huddle around you in wonder.
I would list some of the applications that I have found, but I think I will need more space than I am allowed so I will list some of them on
My honest opinion is that Apple has taken a step forward with the iPhone 4 and I know that others will again follow.
If you have an iPhone and you have some great apps that you would like to share, please email me with some of the names an I will also add it to