What do you do online? Do you log in just to check your email and maybe do some banking? Do you also visit one or two websites? Or do you really engage with the content that is available online? Do you share your life, experiences and knowledge online? The best time to start your own blog is during the winter months. You can take some time in the evenings to firstly setup your own blog and after the setup is complete, to write one or two posts. Your blog can take many different roads.
You can start with a blog sharing some of your thoughts or you can share the photos that you have taken in the area. I hear you saying that you are already doing that with your social network. Yes, in your social network like Facebook you can share your ideas and also photos, but would you not rather own your own content on a blog that you own and that you control? You do need a social network to promote your blog, so don’t think for one moment that I want you to leave your social network site.
Just like with a personal blog, you can use the same platform to start your own company website. You should not be paying thousands to start a company website. Visit www.wordpress.com, www.posterous.com or www.blogger.com and start your own website. These platforms are free and will give you a chance to see if you can maintain your website or blog without having to pay loads of money.
If you need advice, feel free to email me at nico@juicybrain.co.za. Nico is a new media expert. (www.juicybrain.co.za)