When you live alone and you need to prepare your own meals every evening, you either resort to ordering food, or you just grab a sandwich, or make a quick burger or hotdog. This is however not healthy, and this is proven by the fact that I tend to gain a lot of weight every few months. To go shopping for many ingredients to prepare a meal for one can also be extremely wasteful.
During the past week I have been trying a new service in Johannesburg called UrbanDirect. They plan your meals for the week. 4 Meals for either 2 or 4 people and everything you will need to prepare the weeks meals are in the box. You can choose between three options, LowGI, Regular or Veggie, and then of course you can also do a mix across the three options.
I want to get a bit healthier and I opted to try the LowGI option for this first week. Four meals delivered on a Monday morning that will be enough for 2 people. Now I know what you may think, is it enough food for two people? I can absolutely assure you that it is more than enough food for two people. Some of the meals could easily feed three people.
Now let me share the process. You go online and order your meal option for next week. This you need to do before mid-day Wednesday. Do not forget or you will not get the box by the next Monday. (This is why I am not getting my new box on Monday).
You receive the box on Monday. Everything beautifully packaged. You will see four recipes in the box and everything in the box is labelled to make things easy.
Choose the first meal you want to have and later that evening prepare it. I believe that eating is also a visual experience and I always try to plate the food in a way that will display well and be… well, beautiful.
Here are photos of my first three meals that I prepared. On average preparation took about 20 minutes.
I know that my plating skills may need some work, but I think I am improving with each meal. I will continue to post my journey into preparing beautiful meals over the next few weeks.
When I really like something I want to share it with everyone. I have asked UrbanDirect to give me a discount code for anyone that is interested and they will send it to me soon. I will then also share it with you.