

After the completion of an N Dip in Language Practice, Nico Baird was one of the first graduates in South Africa to complete his B Tech degree in Language Practice at the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT).

He specialised in communicative media, including graphic design and video production. Focusing on effective academic communication in both poster design and instructional video production. His professional career started as Director of Multimedia at the University of the Free State’s, Faculty of Health Sciences. During this period he completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education. After joining the CUT eLearning and Educational Technology team in 2004 he started as Instructional Designer at this institution. He returned to his alma mater to train the trainers in the use of technology in teaching. In 2012 he completed his Magister in Health Professions Education at the Faculty of Health Sciences UFS and in 2015 his Phd in Health Profession Education.

During the past ten years he has become a regular on the education and technology conference circuit with innovative and pioneering talks. Through the innovative work and his dedication to learning and especially learning in a changing world he was selected as one of South Africa’s first Apple Distinguished Educators in 2007. Nico served in various committees and associations, including the National Association of Distance and Open Education South Africa (Nadeosa), South African Association of Health Educationists (SAAHE) and Golden Key International Honour Society. He also presented an array of posters and papers at national and international conferences, He is regularly invited to address audiences at academic and non-academic workshops. Nico reviewed and published articles for various presentations. His knowledge of technology and e-learning methods has made him a well-known industry expert in South Africa, with his tips featured in weekly columns and talk shows in newspaper and national radio stations. He is currently working at WITS where he is the Lead Educational Developer of the eLearning Unit.

One thought on “About”
  1. Geluk met die werf!
    Ek volg nou al ‘n geruime tyd jou “feed” en die onderwerpe hier is nogal van goeie gehalte.

    Ek self is betrokke by webwerf administrasie, nie soseer ontwerp daarvan nie. Ek is nog maar ‘n beginner wat dit aan betref.

    Gaan besoek gerus my werf by kuberreg.com en soos jy kan aflei is dit ‘n werf wat die reg en die internet bymekaar wil bring en dit in Afrikaans.
    Jy is ook meer as welkom om ‘n bydrae te maak.

    Bloemfonteinse groete uit Engeland!


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