iBurst launched it’s VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Service on the first of April. Finally there is a way to get rid of that landline and make calls to any other phone number around the world at the cost of a local call.

Compared to using a traditional fixed line phone, iCall subscribers will save 17% on calls to South African cellphones, 15% on national calls and in excess of 70% to many international destinations. With iCall, it is cheaper to call a landline number in Australia, China, the UK, USA and most of
Europe than it is to call Cape Town from Johannesburg from a traditional landline.

If you are an iBurst subscriber you can now add this service for a very low monthly subscription fee. You can then buy vouchers to cover the cost of your calls. At the moment you can buy vouchers to the value of R100 and R200. iCall has strict security protocols which will ensure calls can only
be made with the username & password issued during signup – thus ensuring accurate billing.

One of the biggest benefits in my opinion is that if you are moving to a new house or maybe starting a new business you can now have your whole communication network up and running in a day or two. Both your Internet connection and through that also your telephone system. Depending on what type of telephone network you want you may need to buy additional hardware but for a basic service all you need is your computer and maybe a headset with a microphone. You can also purchase a VOIP router into which you can plug your phone directly, to make things easier.

When you make calls to other iCall subscribers these calls will be free of charge. ClickSA will be giving away a R200 iCall vouchers to the first 5 ClickKliek readers who subscribe to iBurst through ClickSA. For more information please click here and complete the form, we will then send you more information, you can also send your request to info@clicksa.co.za