WE are in the middle of International Diabetes Month. In November, many organisations work hard to raise awareness of what diabetes is and how it can be managed.
Two years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes and I must say that whenever people hear you have diabetes they immediately think you only have minutes of your life left.
The problem with this is that people do not realise the vast number of technological advances that have been made in the past few years.
Through the use of the insulin pump, insulin is more effective and the management and process of administering the doses is easier.
I am currently investigating the use of an insulin pump and it is amazing how through the use of wireless technologies and the use of Bluetooth, your sugar levels are continuously monitored and doses are calculated and administered automatically.
Your levels are also automatically transferred to your computer, where a software program makes it possible for you to monitor your levels throughout the weeks and months.
I am in the process of reading about the pumps available to us in South Africa and I will report back to you about my findings.
There are many websites online that I can recommend but with it being diabetes month and Diabetes Day on 14 November I would like to recommend www.worlddiabetesday.org for more information about diabetes.
You can also visit the local website www.asweetlifemag.co.za which is one of many local diabetes websites. Get the facts about diabetes today..
Nico Baird is a new media expert and can be contacted at nico@clicksa.co.za or visit www.nicobaird.com