THE past year I must say that there were only a handful of websites that really took off and grabbed the attention of users. I remember about three or four years ago it felt like there were new innovative websites popping up every single day.

I know that at this stage the development of apps for the iPhone, Android phones and also BlackBerry phones are grabbing the attention of users. When we look to the web it is as if the dominance of Facebook is overshadowing everything else.

I am, however, very happy to announce that for the past two weeks a website has come to the foreground and is grabbing the attention of users around the world. is a social website where you have the ability to share your interests with the world. The website enables you to organise and share all the things you find around the web. Maybe you are planning a party or you want a place to share and gather all the new potjiekos recipes that you have found.

You are also able to browse and explore the pinboards that other members have created. If there is something that you like you can incorporate it into one of your pinboards.

It is almost like scrapbooking but much easier. It is like having folders with you and as you move around you are able to place everything you like into this folder to look at it again later, or to share.

Think about planning your wedding and taking images and ideas from around the web and putting it all into one place where it can be shared.

The easiest way for you to find out what Pinterest does is for you to go to and taking a look. At this stage you need to request a invitation to join, but after you request an invite you should get it after only a few hours..